
Showing posts from April 15, 2018

Waiting for the stars to appear

My dear friend and El Camino coach forewarned me, Gerald, that the first week I’d be too physically exhausted to do any self introspection.  Man was he right, as other than wondering if Goofy was a dog or human, my mind has pretty much been mush.  But sorry, I’ve pushed ahead without giving you some background.  So let me try again.   Today marked my seventh day on El Camino.  Hard to believe that it was that long since Gerald and Eliane generously drove me to St Jean Pied de Port (FR), the start of El Camino Frances, an 800 km walk to Santiago de Campostela.  Am hoping this walk will take me five weeks.  With my first week out of the way, I have another 655 kms (406 miles) to cover over the next four.   Speaking to others who’ve done this walk, they’ve all said same as Gerald; the walk can be broken into thirds. The first third is physical exhaustion, second mental, and last is where the spiritual enlightening happens, or runners high. E...