Walking Due North

Having immensely been blessed with a fifteen-year tenure at Lazard Asset Management, time has finally come for me to “hang up my boots”. Today marks my last day of working with and for some incredible minds. While I may be “retiring” from funds management per se, those of you who know me well will understand how I will remain actively and passionately involved within the broader financial services and retirement savings community. Following fifteen years of a challenging/demanding role, however, I now hope to “find my north” through a three month around the world sabbatical; starting by dancing the tango with my niece in Buenos Aires, hiking the Peruvian Andes with my sister, riding a Harley from Miami to Key West FL with my brother and cousins, walking solo the full 800 km of El Camino Frances to Santiago de Campostela and making new friends, walking the streets of Jerusalem and painting in Tzfad Israel, culminating in my volunteering at an elephant sanctuar...