Tibetan Motorcycle Diaries; Reflections
Before I begin, I’d like to thank you all for your continued support and shared enthusiasm for these past 12 days circumventing Tibet. Your support was never lost on me. So once again, a sincere thank you for your support. Soon after we finished the ride, I was asked how I felt about the whole Tibetan experience. To be honest, I couldn’t even answer as I was totally overwhelmed with exhaustion; both physically as mentally. After our 14.5 hour day, where over 4 of these hours we only covered 60 kms of mud, stones, rain, and two landslides, the fact that the ride was “finished” was overshadowed by this exhaustion. Even now, two days after this finish, I still struggle to hold even a pen; let alone still walking with a wad of toilet paper in my hip pocket (a necessity while travelling through more remote areas in Tibet). Wanting to share my reflections of this journey, I’d like to break these down into three subsequent parts: political, cul...